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Monday, October 7, 2013

Pi Lab 1 – Initial Pi Setup


The objective of this lab is to:
Install the Raspbian Linux operating system onto the Raspberry Pi microcontroller board. Configure the Pi to communicate with other devices on an Ethernet network.


  • Raspberry Pi Micro-Controller
  • 8GB SDCard with the Operating System NOOBS (Raspian – Debian Linux derivative) pre-installed.
  • Power Supply, AC-DC Converter, External Plug in, Micro USB connector, 5W, 5V, 1A output.
  • USB Keyboard.
  • USB Mouse.
  • HDMI Monitor.
  • HDMI Cable.
  • HDMI to DVI Adpater.
  • Two straight through Ethernet cables
  • Home router\switch connected to a cable modem or DSL modem
  • A personal computer

Top View of Raspberry Pi with NOOBS SDCard

The Pi only has only two types of display connectors – RGA and HDMI. This allows you to connect a TV to your Pi and use it as a monitor. You can also use a monitor with a standard VGA connector, but you will need to purchase a VGA-to-HDMI converter which contains circuitry to change the signal from the VGA format to the HDMI format. They can cost $20 dollars or more, and you will probably have to order it over the Internet. When I went looking for one, I went driving around to 4 different stores, but nobody had it.

Nobody had a monitor in their store that had HDMI connectors either – just VGA or DVI. So, I bought a small monitor with a DVI connector that was on sale, a HDMI cable and a HDMI-to-DVI adapter to go with it.

I initially used my cell phone charger to power the Pi because it had the required voltage and amperage rating. Then l purchased another charger on the Internet later.


A basic understanding of:
  • Ethernet networking.
  • Connector types such as HDMI, DVI, USB, RJ-45 (Ethernet), etc…
  • The Linux Operating System




Connect Everything Together
1.       Connect the PC to the router\switch that is connected to the Internet with the Ethernet cable.
Turn on and configure the PC with DHCP (obtain an IP address automatically). Using the PC, verify connectivity to the Internet so that if the Pi has any problems connecting the Internet, you will know that it isn't a problem with the Internet.
2.       Connect the keyboard and mouse to the Pi’s USB ports.
3.       Connect the monitor to the Pi’s HDMI port.
4.       Connect the Ethernet port to the router\switch with an Ethernet cable.
5.       Insert the SDCard with the pre-installed NOOBS Operating System into the Pi’s SDCard connector on the underside of the Pi as shown in the photo below.

Inserting SDCard into Pi card reader slot

Power Up the Pi
1.   Because the Pi does not have an ON\OFF switch, you turn the Pi on by connecting it to the power supply. Apply power to the Pi. When the Pi finishes booting up, you will see a window in the middle of the screen with the header “NOOBS v1.2.1-Built June 26, 2013”that lists various options.
  • Archlinux
  • OpenELEC
  • Pidora
  • RaspBMC
  • Raspbian [Recommended]
  • Edit Config (e) - allows you to change various startup parameters including video settings.
  • Online Help (h) – requires a connection to the Internet to access the URL shown above under REFERENCES.
2.   A drop down menu at the very bottom center of the screen that has various language options.
  • English
  • Deutsch (German)
  • Suomi (Finland)
  • Franais (French)
  • Magyar (Hungarian)
  • Japanese
  • Nederlands (Dutch)
  • Portugues (Portugese)
3.   Using the mouse, select “Raspbian” (double left click), and then click on the “Install OS” button. A message appears saying “Warning: This will install the selected Operating System; All existing data on the SD card will be overwritten.” Click the “Yes” button.
4.   If everything goes well, you should see a message pop up “Image applied successfully”. Click “OK” to reboot the system.
5. After the Pi reboots, a window will pop up showing the “Software Configuration Tool”. Options are:
  • Expand Filesystem. Ensures that all of the SD card us available to the OS.
  • Change userpassword. Change the password for the default user (pi).
  • Enable Boot to desktop. Boot to GUI or the command line.
  • Internationalization options.
  • Enable camera
  • Add to Rastrack
  • Overclock
  • Advanced Options
  • About raspi-config
Note: The up\down arrows and the “Tab” key are used to navigate the menus. Use the “Enter” key to make your selection.
6.   Select option “1. Expand Filesystem”. A popup message says “Your partition is not currently supported by this tool. You are probably using NOOBS, in which case your root file system is already expanded anyway.” Select “OK”.
7.   Select option “3. Enable boot to desktop”. A popup message asks “Should we boot straight to desktop?” (GUI). Select “Yes” for now.
8.   Select option “8 Advanced options”. A submenu appears. Select “A2 Hostname”. Press “Enter” and type the new hostname. Tab to “OK”, press “Enter” again to return to the main menu. When entering the new hostname, use:
  • Only letters a through z (case sensitive).
  • Digits zero through nine.
  • A hypen.
  • The name cannot begin or end with a hyphen.
  • No symbols, punctuation characters, or spaces are permitted.
9.   On the main menu, select option “2 Change password”. A popup message says “You will now be asked to enter a new password for the pi user”. “Enter” for “OK”. At the bottom left of the screen, enter your new password twice. I will use “cremepie” as my password for now.
10.   We are finished making changes. Tab to “Finish”, press “Enter”. “Reboot now?”, “Enter” again for “Yes”.
11.   At the bootup screen, there is a message that says “For recovery mode press shift”, (don't touch it!) then after a small waiting period goes to the GUI desktop interface. No login required.
12.   Verify network connectivity. Right click on the icon labeled “Midori”. This is a lightweight Internet browser. Left click “open”. If the pi has properly connected to the Internet, the page will open to an Internet website.

Midori Web Browser Icon

13. To turn the Pi off, left click the red power button on the bottom right of the screen (shown below). Wait a spell, and the power off menu will appear showing the options:
  • Shutdown
  • Reboot
  • Logout
  • Cancel
Raspberry Pi ON\OFF Button

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